How do I …
engage people with hope?
equip people to craft a better story?
make life/career development more accessible?
(North Shore Mountains from Garry Point Park, Steveston, Richmond, BC)
If you are a life/career practitioner who asks such questions and wishes to be more effective with a broader range of people, I hope that this website will encourage and inform you in your journey.
My name is Gray Poehnell. I’m a co-founder and current presenter, trainer, author, and consultant at Ergon Communications. I seek to answer such questions. I have had the privilege to interact with thousands of life/career practitioners, clients, and students in hundreds of workshops nationally and internationally. I’ve learned the need for a diversity of tools and concepts that can be used with increasingly diverse populations, especially for Indigenous peoples and others who have walked a life/career journey different from the mainstream population. I’m committed to equipping people to cultivate a better story for themselves, a hope-filled story that can sustain them as they walk their life/career journey.
January 2021: The times they are a’changing
And Ergon Communications is also changing its structure. Norm and Gray are grateful for the years of support from so many who have made our publications, workshops, and consulting work so successful. Though the formal structure is changing, Norm and Gray look forward to many more years of friendship and collaboration.
Norm Amundson has now retired from UBC and is living on Saturna Island – seeking a less hectic life. Part of this process involves winding down his involvement in Ergon Communications.
Gray Poehnell is semi-retired but will be continuing with Ergon Communications though with a more limited range of books and with a focus mainly on his workshops, speaking engagements, and consulting work.
Ergon Communications will handle the following books:
· Hope-Filled Engagement
· Career Crossroads
Norm Amundson will handle the following books through https://doubleknot.works (in the Resources section):
· Active Engagement: Anniversary edition (2018)
· Active Engagement in Action DVD
· Career Pathways: Quick Trip,
· Career Pathways: Third Edition
· CareerScope: Looking In, Looking Out, and Looking Around
· Metaphor Making: Your career, your life, your way
· Metaphor Making Card Sort
· The Physics of Living
Guiding Circles workbooks are available at https://indigenousworks.ca/en/products/category/publications.
Please don’t hesitate to contact either Gray (graypoehnell@mac.com) or Norm (neamundson@gmail.com) if you have any questions about the availability of their respective materials, workshops, or consulting work. Also, for some of Norm’s more recent work you may want to visit https://doubleknot.works and look at the Resources section.